
Knowledge Base - Setting up CounterPath Bria for iOS

Visit the App Store on your phone and install Bria. For reference, here's a link to the AppStore page:

Bria has a 15 day trial, an after the trial monthly and annual subscriptions are available (for a little over $1 per month).

Once you install Bria, open the app and you will see the first screen

1) Touch SIP to create a new account for calling


2) Account Settings

Review the settings, and make the following changes:

Account Name: Your choice – something you might use to uniquely identify the account. If you only have one account just enter “BitBlock”

Username: Your assigned username.

Password: Your assigned password.

Domain: Your assigned proxy. May consist of a domain name or IP address and port (e.g. or

Enabled: If you use push notifications, you can disable the account here to stop receiving calls.

Use Push Notifications: ON if you want to receive phone calls when the app is in the background (Hint: If you want to receive calls, you probably want this on!)

Registration Mode: Standard

Push Advanced: No changes at this time.

VM Number: *97

To leave the details settings at the default values, you can touch "Save" in the upper right corner now.

Alternatively, touch “Account Specific Features” and “Account Advanced” to review those settings.

To exit those sections touch "Back" in the upper left corner of the screen to return to this screen and touch "Save" to complete the account.



3) Account Specific Features

Review the settings, and make the following changes:

Disable Mobile Data: OFF to allow phone calls while on cellular data (i.e. not on Wi-Fi)

Disable VoIP Calls: OFF to allow phone calls

Enable Video: ON to support Video when available

Always Offer Video: OFF

Auto Send Video: OFF - On would auto enable camera if the remote caller requested Video.

Auto Speaker On: ON - Off would leave audio on handset while you likely need the speakerphone function.

Enable IM & Presence: OFF – will be enabled at a future date.

Enable SMS: OFF – will be enabled at a future date.

Touch “Back” at the top of the screen to return to the previous menu.


4) Account Advanced

Most of these settings should be left at the default values.

Touch “Back” at the top of the screen to return to the previous menu.

5) Save your account

From the main account settings screen as shown in Step 2 above, touch "Save" to complete the account.


Applies To

Soft Phone